This year's Book Week characters are Anakin Skywalker and Doctor Who.
This is the first time I've tried blogging from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using the Blogger app. Not sure I'll ever love it, but it might do the job when we're on the road and without a real computer. The screen keyboard is not too bad, and now I've bought a Samsung USB /SD card connection kit and had a little play with it, it's not too hard to transfer photos from the camera and do some basic editing. Certainly not as easy as on the netbook, but I'm willing to compromise for the size and weight advantages for travelling.
Hiya Karen
Have you set off yet? Have a great holiday - the weather is absolutely gorgeous over here at the moment. 26 degrees, sunny and still - just in time for school!
I'll keep an eye on your blog - will you be updating with details of your travels?
Hi Penny - yes, we're in Paris now - arrived yesterday. We're blogging at . Still adjusting to the time difference - we had a 2.30am start this morning!
glad to be here .prom dresses 2014
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