Sunday 10 February 2008


Just having a look back through the photos I posted in the past couple of days, and realised I quite like the whole wild & untamed look of the yard. I would prefer, however, that it was overrun with productive plants - food and beauty - rather than grass and big spiky weeds, so now I have a garden goal.


goingferal(ish) said...

Yep, the completely tamed look of my backyard isn't thrilling me at all so I totally get why you like the untamed look. Make it productive too and its the best of both worlds - food, shade, hiding places, peaceful. Very nice!

The Crone at Wits End said...

LOL I love that untamed look! The hiding places has me worried though...

I found a large colony of huge red backs hiding in my geraniums!

Gone now :)

karenmc said...

Yes - you won't find me out there at night - hate walking into webs!