Wednesday 5 November 2008

Now with award-winning goodness ;)

The wild backyard is the proud recipient of its first-ever award!

We are not just amazing - we are UBER amazing! Woohoo!

Many thank yous to the gorgeous Crone at Wit's End :)

Now, the rules of this award are:
* Put the award logo on your blog or post (right click on award, save as)
* Nominate at least 1 blog that you consider to be Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.

I'm going to nominate a couple of bloggers who wouldn't know me from a bar of soap, but whose blogs demand instant attention when updated:

1. The Redneck Mommy - she's been through some heartbreaking stuff, and she can still make a lot of people (including me) laugh with her hilarious stories of family life in Canada.

2. Belgian Waffle - her train-of-thought posts come alarmingly close to how my own mind works sometimes (I just generally don't let it loose on the internet).

3. Cake Wrecks - what's not to love about naked babies with mohawks riding carrots?!

And now a photo from the backyard:

I figure as long as there are still bees in my garden, and smart-funny people blogging for my personal pleasure, life is good :)


Anonymous said...

You just made my morning. Thank you so very much.

I don't know how uber-amazing I am, but I am amazed people keep reading my drivel. I appreciate it.

Big smooches to you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Well deserved. I totally agree with all your nominations too.